Whether it is new construction, remodeling, or renovation for your business, we can provide whatever is needed to get you through the design process. Our work encompasses a wide range of design from school, and office additions to condominium remodels. We have partnerships with design professionals for all scopes of work. There are generally three phases to get you through the building permit process.
Concept Phase I:
This phase consists of taking your wants and likes in various formats. Such as newspaper clippings, hand sketches, pictures, ect. This information will be translated into rough floor plans, and elevations.
At completion of the concept phase, drawings generally provided are:
- Basic floor plans
- Basic elevation
- Basic building sections
Preliminary Phase II:
This phase consists of confirming space locations from the concept phase, adding dimensions, window and door sizes, exterior accents, trims, siding options. We now are creating what the building will look like from the outside. As for the interior we will adding size to the spaces. Now the remaining two elevations will be drawn, building sections will be more defined.
At the completion of the preliminary phase, drawings generally provided are:
- Floor plans dimensioned
- Remaining two elevations
- Additional and more defined building sections
Final Phase III:
This phase consists of completing the plans for the building permit from the approved preliminary plans. The floor plans will be completely be dimensioned, elevations noted with general notes, buildings sections dimensioned and noted.
At the completion of the final phase, drawings generally provided are:
- Floor plans dimensioned and noted
- Elevations dimensioned and noted
- Foundation plan dimensioned and noted with details
- Building sections dimensioned and noted
- Floor framing plans dimensioned and noted
- Roof framing plans dimensioned and notes
- Barrier free (ADA) plans dimensioned and noted
- Wall, ceiling, and roof types dimensioned and noted
- Room finish schedules noted as required
- Reflected ceiling plans
- Kitchen and bath cabinet elevations
- Window and door elevations
Each project will be reviewed and quoted individually. Some projects require more detail than others and will be quoted accordingly. Typically all commercial projects require a professional seal by a registered Architect or Engineer in the State of Michigan, or the build state for a building permit. There are times when the building official may or may not require a seal depending on complexity of the project, or the exceptions noted on the permits. Every project is unique to its build location, and the building official may require both. We work with both professionals and can get you through the building permit phase.